Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sensory Overload: Acclimating to Kolkata

No words are sufficient to describe the feeling of being in Kolkata, India.  When the plane doors opened to let us out, you feel instant heat striking your skin.  Then when you get off of the plane, it feels as if your skin soaks up all of the water in the air, it is unbelievably humid.  

From the airport, two cars picked us up and we went to Baptist Mission Society, which is where we are staying.  We got to BMS (coincidentally my initials, which I find pretty funny) and it was about 5am in Kolkata time.  We tried to go to bed, but for me personally, it was impossible to sleep. What would we be doing the next day? How will the heat effect me? Will I get sick? So many thoughts like these and more were racing through my head.  I was excited, anxious, and in awe of what was about to come the following day and the next three weeks of this journey.

We woke up at about 9am and left BMS to go to Blue Sky Cafe for breakfast.  When we opened the gates to exit BMS, it's like we opened the gates to a completely new world.  People living on the streets, bathing, sleeping, eating, sitting, begging.. I was prepared mentally, but it still takes a toll on you and makes you really appreciate the things that you have.  

My nose was overwhelmed by all of the smells.  It smelled like rotting meat from people cutting it and selling it in the street, spoiled milk, delicious spices, body waste, body odor, the smell of city.. I can't even put into words all of the different smells.  They were simultaneous, yet distinct at different points in time, it was like a dance in which some smells were at the front of the stage dancing its little heart out, and then they faded into the background for some other smell to take the stage.  I have never experienced anything like this before. 

It hit me so suddenly, so quickly: Woah, I'm actually in Kolkata, India.  The heat is even more unbearable than a record breaking high heat back home in the states.  We found out that it was between 118 and 123 on our first day here.  I have never sweat so much and drank so much water in such a short time span.  People from the group last year accurately described it as walking into a shower with all of your clothes on, which is totally accurate. It's overwhelming and it feels disgusting. 

The second day, things were less overwhelming, but all of the same sensations are stimulating your senses and brain.  I was able to look at my surroundings more.  Everything was beautiful and horrifying all at the same time.  There are bright colors everywhere and people are full of joy and happiness, yet you look in another direction and you see body waste and the poorest of the poor trying to sleep on the hard stone ground.  I have no idea how people can acclimate to sleeping on the ground in Kolkata. I'm a heavy sleeper, but I would never be able to sleep with the sounds of Kolkata right beside me.  There are constant horns honking, bikes ringing their bells, people yelling and talking, kids playing.  It is constantly loud and your ears pick up each and every horn and all of the other noises. 

Needless to say, I am in a whole new place.  Slowly, my body is acclimating to the heat and all of the different smells.  Luckily, I have been adjusting just fine and am perfectly healthy knock on wood!! I'm having the time of my life.

Love and best wishes to all of you back home! Sending a big hug :) 

Bri Saunders


  1. Take it all in Bri. Wishing you a healthy journey through this wonderful adventure! You will do good things, I am sure of it!

  2. Bri, what an amazing description! I could almost imagine myself there....of course the second the airplane doors opened I would have turned around! I'm such a chicken:)!

    I'm so excited for the people of Kolkata, they are about to realize that they have the sweetest, most amazing young American there to help them! You are awesome:)!

    Looking forward to your next post! Love you bunches!
    Auntie Jane

  3. Thinking of you all each day. Thanks for sharing your first impressions Bri. <3 Kate

  4. What a vivid description Bri! It was like a page out of game of thrones lol. I hope your trip continues to be a positive one and you love every minute. I miss you very much and think about you and your new experience frequently. I can't wait to read more about Kolkata and the work you're doing there. Casting My Love - Mike .. get it, its a fishing pun :) lol
