Monday, May 27, 2013

A Trip to the Zoo

As we begin our second week in Kolkata, it's amazing to think about how quickly the time is passing. It is also a reminder to embrace every moment we have here because of what a unique opportunity it is.
Initially, I found the city to be overwhelming and was struggling, trying to adjust to the culture shock. The constant honking of horns was enough to send me to a state of extreme anxiety. As time has passed and I have become more comfortable, I have grown to truely love this city and its people.
I am working in Shanti Dan on the girls side, along with our lovely group leader Allison. Shanti Dan is a home for roughly 60 girls with physical and mental handicaps. The severity of the handicaps vary greatly and I work with the flowers, the most capable girls, teaching them some English and practicing Math. The girls are very smart and a few travel to public school during the year. As an Education Major I love this part of my time in Shanti Dan. Mornings also consist of laundry, special projects,  feeding some of the girls, putting them to bed, and helping them go to the bathroom.
On Saturdays, the girls that are able to, go on an outing in the afternoon and I was asked to join.
This past Saturday we went to the Kolkata Zoo! The girls and Massis (the women who work in the Mother Teresa Homes) dressed up for the big day including jewelry and deodorant. The girls looked beautiful  and were excited to show off their anklets that jingled when they shook their feet. Packing the bus took over 30 minutes, making sure that everyone and everything made it, including the eight wheelchairs. The ride to the zoo consisted of candy passed around and joyful singing. The overall energy was contagious, which helped after the long morning of work.
When we arrived we unpacked the bus as quickly as possible and were on our way. I spent the day traveling with Suporna, who requires a wheelchair. She has the most engaging smile, but it requires a little encouragement. I fed her chips and soda and the special treats were a highlight of the trip for the girls!
I wasn't sure about what to expect at the zoo, thinking that it could potentially be absolutely terrifying. The animals were typical. We saw monkeys, giraffes, tigers, a lion, and of course the crowd favorite elephant. The zoo was a little frustrating because it was in no way handicap accessible. We often had to lift the wheelchairs over steps and massive cracks in the sidewalk. Despite these challenges, it was a fun time and the girls did not appear frustrated.
As we were passing the lion, the rain started. Buckets of water came down on us with a force that I definitely  have never experienced. Suporna did not like the rain, trying to cover her head as best she could, but she did not complain at all. That was the best part of the trip. The rain halted everything, but everyone embraced the cool water. The girls, Massis, nuns, and volunteers were all laughing while getting drenched. We could not understand each others jokes because of the language barrier, but that didn't matter.
As we stood under a large tree that provided minimal protection, I just stood there and took everything in. It was a moment of pure bliss despite all the chaos. I wiped Suporna's face dry when the rain stopped, ticked her cheek, and she smiled with a pure joy that was so genuine and innocent. This is an image that I will forever associate with Kolkata. I kissed her on the forehead and we headed for the bus to enjoy some ice cream and travel back to Shanti Dan.


  1. This is absolutely beautiful. I wish I could be back in Kolkata right now! Your insight was such a genuine reflection of a day in Kolkata. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Kristen-
    What joy this entry brought me! Having been on this trip twice, Shanti Dan is the one piece that has stuck with me more than anything. The girl's smiles, fragile bodies, the massi's dedication, and overall the impact touch with those girls brings to both them and us. I'm so glad you're able to witness their beauty and approach it all with an open mind. Send a smile and huge huge hug to Ceceila, Mongola and a head rub to the sweet Tiya. (curious if Tiya is still there as she was very sick last May?) A hug to Massi Leila too!!
    Enjoy this last week :)
    Meg Kerrigan
